is a very special place for children where
they come happily and learn a lot. It has
maintained its standard of excellence.
SKPS has a very colourful & child friendly
environment. The Thematic System provides
learning by doing step by step.
To introduce the child to the joys
of learning through companionship and
channelize his energy through recreational
activities. |
develop the child's ability to express
his thoughts & feelings in a fluent
language and in a confident manner. |
To orient the child to develop self
confidence, self dependability, honesty
and social skills through group interaction. |
To inculcate good habits, social manners
and etiquettes among children. |
To enlarge the mental horizons and
broaden the outlook of the children. |
A :
Pre-kindergarten – Playgroup,
B : Kindergarten – Junior KG, Senior